Full Paper Guidelines
References and citations should follow the APA 6th, for more instructions about the
references and citations usage please see the appropriate link at template the
conference website.
The full length of submission manuscript not more than 6 pages; including references, table and figure (Appendix--Exclude). Template for Proceeding Download
Special on 2nd Event: Manuscript Allowed in Bahasa
Naskah bahasa Indonesia/Melayu dapat diterima untuk diterbitkan di Proceeding Atlantis Press
Journal Special Issue (Q3)
Journal accepts the following types of papers:
- Research Articles (up to ~5000 words, including references, notes and captions, or ~5 printed pages) are expected to present a major advance. Research Articles include an abstract, an introduction, up to six figures or tables, sections with brief subheadings, and upwards of 40 references. Materials and Methods should usually be included in supplementary materials, which should also include information needed to support the paper's conclusions.
- Reports (up to 5000 words including references, notes and captions or ~3 printed pages) present important new research results of broad significance. Reports should include an abstract, an introductory paragraph, up to four figures or tables, and about 30 references. Materials and Methods should usually be included in supplementary materials, which should also include information needed to support the paper's conclusions
- Reviews (up to 3500 words including references, notes and captions) describe new developments of interdisciplinary significance and highlight future directions. They include an abstract, an introduction that outlines the main theme, brief subheadings, and an outline of important unresolved questions. A maximum of 40 references is suggested. Most Reviews are solicited by the editors, but unsolicited submissions may also be considered.
- Commentary (Up to 3000 words) includes analysis by experts on issues of interest to readers. With the exception of Letters and Comments, most items in these sections are commissioned by the editors, but unsolicited contributions are welcome.
Full Paper Template for Journal Special Issue (Q3)
(Additional fee USD $600)
More information please download Full Paper Template for Journal Special Download Here
Full Paper Template for Journal Regular Issue (Q1/ Q2/Q3/Q4)
(Additional fee USD $900 (Q4), USD $ 1.000 (Q3), USD $1250 (Q2) and USD $1500 (Q1)
Download Full Paper Template for Jurnal Reguler Issue Download Here